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DART is an educational, advocacy and support group for Dupuytren's disease and Ledderhose disease. The list is not intended to be a recommendation or verification that the RO follows what is characterized as the gold standard German protocol. It is your responsibility to discuss your treatment options and preferences.
No representation is made about the quality or competency of the listed doctors. We recommend you use the search function on DART (a Facebook group) to locate prior group discussions on ROs you are considering.
If you find a doctor's contact info outdated, please comment where our records can be updated. Most of these doctors are affiliated with multiple clinics and/or hospitals and may practice at secondary locations closer to you than the city listed below. Check the website or call their office. Additionally, some of these doctors are on the faculty of local medical schools and also teach and/or administer radiation oncology.
DART is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, or opinion to members. This page provides general information for educational purposes only. The information provided here is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and such information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or the advice of your physician or healthcare provider.
List of Radiation Oncologists - Google Drive
A radiation oncologist has specialized training in performing radiation treatment for people with cancer and those with certain noncancerous (benign) conditions, like Duputyren's Contracture and Ledderhose Disease.
What if the list doesn't include a radiation oncologist in your area? Here are some ideas on How to find an RO near you.
Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, is a non-surgical treatment that can stop or slow down Dupuytren's Contracture in its early stage. In radiation therapy, the nodules and cords associated with Dupuytren's are irradiated. This is typically done over five days in a row applying an efficient dose . After a break of 10-12 weeks, this treatment is repeated. Typically this softens the nodules (and sometimes also cords) and prevents contraction of the hand.
Copyright © 2018 www.dupuytrens.club - All Rights Reserved.
Contact information provided below for radiation oncologists who have treated for Dupuytren's Contracture or Ledderhose . Comments or opinions expressed here or on DART are not intended to diagnose or prevent disease. Advice or comments should not be relied upon unless confirmed by your treating physician. No doctor-patient relationship is intended and members are advised to consult their doctors for medical advice. No representation is made about the quality or professional competency of the listed doctors. This listing provided as a place for you to begin your own research. If you find the contact info outdated or in error, please comment on DART where it can be corrected. You might also google the doctor or clinic to find updated contact information. Many of these doctors also practice at secondary locations that may be closer to you. Check their website. In addition to their clinical practice, many of these radoncs are also on the faculty of local medical schools where they teach radiation oncology. If you have doctor or clinic information not listed below, please share with DART so it can be made available to others looking for treatment in that location. some photos from dupuytrens.org Thank you.
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